On my.. I am so tired. This has been one of the longest days ever. Zach did well in the morning. He was talking and playing, I even had him laughing. It was fun to see his personality shine through.
I had a tough morning. I hit my wall about 9am. I was not in a happy place.
By noon we had graduated to the Neuro Truama Unit. In Jenn terms we got moved out of the PICU into our own room with a door and our own bathroom!!! Yes, it's that big of a deal!!
Zach had been acting off all day. He had been telling me that his face and head was itchy. That worried me because at one point he had decided that he needed to try and pull out the drain from his head. Yeah that didn't go over to well.
They decided to change pain meds, from Morphine to Loratab. They thought that the morphine was causing him to itch all over. They gave him Zantac for his empty stomach and the Loratab for the pain. He settled down and ate some food! He was so happy about getting food. He looked at me and said.. Mmmm good. It was awesome. We had some visitors (Aunt Kristen, William, James, Daddy, Lisa and Ari.) After the first set left he was so agitated. I was worried about him. He had not slept at all today. Then when the next set came by, he was doing really well. He was trying to sleep. Then he started getting uncomfortable again. By this time all of the visitors had left and he was not doing well.
This is when things started going down hill. Our awesome Nurse Kyle gave Zach another dose of Loratab. We waited for a bit for it to kick in and Kyle left for home. Monica started her shift and I told her that I was worried about how he looked. He had a really red blochy face and he was so hot. He kept saying owe mommy. After talking to Monica again she noticed that the redness on his cheeks was spreading. I noticed that his face and scar where starting to swell really bad. Monica rad and got the main charge nurse and they came and watched Zach for a bit. He was so sad and uncomfortable. At this point I knew something was majorly wrong and if we didn't figure it out I would lose my little boy. It was spreading SO fast. I watched his face change and swell.
He blew one of the IV's. It was located in his elbow pit. It was so red that I was so worried about it hurting him. They removed that IV and we went forward. They changed his fluids to the last IV he had. It was in his foot. He screamed so loudly when they started it flowing. I was feeling so sick at this point.
Thats when I asked for prayers. I was loving him and quietly talking to him. There was nothing I could do. I pleaded to my Heavenly Father to hold Zach until we could figure out what was going on. Once again the lord came through. I was promted to look at his foot. It was so swollen that it was almost triple the size. I rand and got Monica. She quickly took out that IV too.
The Neurosurgeon called and said give him Benydrl asap. They put the dose in and with in a few min I could tell that things were getting better. He was not crying and complaining as much. And about 20min later he was finally asleep.
They took him off of the pain meds to get them out of his system. They started oxcycodone about an hour ago. He us snoring up a storm. He has been in such a sad place today. He didn't have anyway to fix it... Neither did mommy.
Well my friends. I am finally headed to bed. It's chair fold out bed but it works for me!!!
I was a prayin! So glad they were able to figure it out and get it settled so you could both get a decent nights sleep.