She was so quiet that I didn't even know that she was in the room. She said that Zach didn't know either. She is now known as Nurse Ninja! I slept great. It was nice to finally have some rest.
After our breakfast and some TV. Zach and I made signs for his room. These signs will help the nurses and visitors know how they can help Zach. We posted them on the wall and the door. Hopefully they will work.
We got some cool visitors. First off our wonderful Neurologist Dr. Lloyd happened to be helping one of his patients and noticed our name on the door. He was surprised to see us. He thought we were in for more testing for our surgery. As he was saying surgery Zach turned his head and he saw his incision and said Wow you already had the surgery. Yeah... We talked for a few and we made an appt for a follow up for a few months down the road.
We finally got our therapy schedule set. YAY!
We will be seeing an OT 5 days a week 2 times a day. She will be helping us regain the use of our right side. Now, we don't know right now if the use will even come back but he is showing positive signs that it is. He started opening and closeing his right hand. The OT was so excited. She mentioned that OT would very possibly keep us in the hospital long than we expect to be.
Next we see...
I got really good news from our new Speech Therapist today! She spent some time with him while i was showering. She said that from their records and from the answers to the questions I gave her, she said that she thinks that he might have GAINED some speech!!! I was shocked. He has been pronouncing words better. It was such good NEWS!!!
He will also do Physical Therapy. We are not sure how much he will be doing because he currently can't sit up.
Aunt Aimee came up tonight to visit. She brought mom pumkin chocolate chip cookies and ate the all...
I forgot to thank Alesha and Jenny for coming up last night. They helped me so much. I needed to laugh after such a stressful situation.
They turned the pressure up on Zach's drain today. The higher the pressure the more work Zach's body has to do to absorb the fluid that is created. It's sort of like having hydrocephalus.
We are currently waiting for dinner. Zach has requested Hamwach (sandwich) again. I will be having... something. Maybe.
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO glad things are looking up! We pray every night for his speedy recovery and for your sanity :) Hoping to be able to get up there soon. Meanwhile, know that we are loving you from a distance :D