Monday, November 22, 2010

A special request...

Zachary is going to have major brain surgery (Hemispherectomy)
 on Dec. 14 2010. They are going to be removing the whole left side of his brain. 

Zach has a seizure disorder that comes from the left side of his brain. He has constant seizures going on 24/7. Without this surgery Zach's life will be cut short in less than 2 years. 

Please help me (his mom) in celebrating his life, by doing what ever you chose to do.
For those that want to...
We will be having a special fast on December 12th.
We are planning on ending the fast at 6pm with prayer. You may do this in your own homes.

Prayers would also be great on the 12th and on the 14th (the day of surgery).
Good thoughts.. good vibes... any way you chose I would love the support.

We love Zach so much. He is truly a miracle. I can't imagine my world without him in it.

As his family... We have chosen to just focus on the positive end result. We are not going to be discussing the details, because we feel that will deter us from remembering why we are doing this surgery.

Thanks for all your love and support. I am so grateful for the support circle we have in place.

Zachy's mom
Jennifer Kohl.

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