Monday, January 3, 2011

Stages of greif

Over the last few days I have gotten the feeling that people got the feeling that I expected Zach to be the same old Zach. That he would be doing everything he was before.

That is far from the truth. I hear people tell me at least he is alive, talking, home or remember he just had surgery.

While all that is VERY true and I feel so blessed to have those things, there is more to it.

From the very beginning of Z's life I have always prepared myself for the very worst possible outcome.

I still HAVE to do that. It's not something that I can just skip and move forward.

In this case, I prepared to watch my son die. I know that sounds horrible, but there was a reason for it. I have to go through the emotions and feelings so that if it did happen I wouldn't be blindsided. There has been many times when I have not been prepared and was hit with so much grief and heartache I was not able to function.

It also helps me celebrate the little things my children do. We cheer and clap as they poop or burp or sit up. It allows me to take a step back and really be able to see the hand of the Lord in our lives.

I also go through the stages of grief all the time. When Z was born we grieved the child, pregnancy, and normalcy that should have happened. This weekend I grieved the little boy who was taken away.

Everything I have ever known in my 33 years of life has gone out the window. The way we did things in my home has to change. EVERYTHING. This doesn't just affect me and Zach, but it affects Emily more.

She is struggling. She has been tossed from house to house, no routine. Everything about her home has changed. Where she sleeps, plays, eats, and watches tv. Then there is the fact that everytime zach had a seizure she didn't know if he would come home alive.

She was so scared for this surgery to happen. She was scared her brother wouldn't be the brother that she has known. Thankfully he is, but she is still struggling. She has been very sweet and helpful with him. She loves her brother so much!

I have been grieving for my daughter and the chaos she lives in. I am thankful and so blessed to have the outcome we have received.

Give me a day or so to grieve and I will be back to my happy self.

I wouldn't nor have i ever let this grief get in the way of taking care of my children. EVER! They will always come first. If you know me well enough, you know that's true.


  1. We love you Jen! Em and Zach too. We know that preparing for the worst and hoping/praying for the best is the way to get thru hard stuff.

  2. I don't know you. I just want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you and Zach and Emily. Its okay to grieve. I agree it is necessary.

    ...may God hold your pain...
